سه شنبه , ۲۰ شهریور ۱۴۰۳
برگ نخست / دسته‌بندی نشده

دسته‌بندی نشده

Reza Shahabi is on Hunger Strike

To: The Fraternal Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organisations, labour organisations, and progressive minded people   Reza Shahabi is on Hunger Strike Condemn the regime of the Islamic Republic for its crimes against the trade union activists !   Dear Comrades, The authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran have returned Reza Shahabi, a board member of the Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company, to Rajaei Shahr prison on August 9, 2017. Reza Shahabi was arrested in June 2010 for his trade union activities. The Islamic Revolutionary Court falsely charged him with “Propaganda against the State” and “acting against national security” in April 2012, and convicted him to 6 years imprisonment and banned him for 5 years from all trade union activities. The Islamic Revolutionary Court has returned Reza Shahabi to prison with the charge that part of Shahabi’s medical leave was not agreed upon. Shahabi went on hunger …


The Statement of the Party of Labour of Iran (Toufan) on Terrorist Actions in Tehran

Condemn the ISIS (Daesh) Criminal and Terrorist Attacks in Tehran, Iran! On Wednesday June 7, 2017, three men entered the visiting section of the Parliament (Majles) and opened fire on the security guards. A few minutes later, media reported on two suicide bombers in the Khomeni’s mausoleum in southern Tehran. According to the official reports, 12 people were killed and more than 40 were injured. The criminal Islamic State, ISIS (Daesh) gang, has claimed responsibility for these attacks. ۱) ISIS and the events that are going on in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Afghanistan,… are the product of the policies followed by the Western imperialists and their Saudi-led allies in the region. The disintegration of the countries of the region takes place according to the interests and expediencies of the Zionist Israel and imperialist USA. ۲) The terrorist actions in Tehran is also the result of the President Trump’ visit to Saudi …


۱٫Mai Communiqué der Partei der Arbeit Iran (Toufan)

۱٫Mai Communiqué der Partei der Arbeit Iran (Toufan) Den 1. Mai, der Einigkeits- und Solidaritätstag der Arbeiterklasse der ganzen Welt, begehen wir in einer Zeit, in der die westlichen Imperialisten unter der Führung des US-Imperialismus mit ihrer Invasionspolitik und Verletzung der Charta der Vereinten Nationen und ohne Zustimmung des UN-Sicherheitsrates und sogar gegen den Willen der meisten Länder der Welt, eine neue Weltordnung geschaffen haben, die an die alten Kolonialzeiten erinnert. Der US-Imperialismus als der Feind Nummer eins der Menschheit und größter Staatsterrorismus der Welt erkennt weder das Selbstbestimmungsrecht der Nationen an, noch akzeptiert er ihre Unabhängigkeit und ihre territoriale Integrität. Die Imperialisten erkennen kein internationales Abkommen, das ihren Interessen entgegen steht oder dieses einschränkt. Sie besetzen die Länder oder verletzen ihren Luftraum und töten wie Banditen und Verbrecher Zivilisten, ohne zur Rechenschaft gezogen zu werden. Sie wollen die Beschlüsse des amerikanischen Kongresses, d. h. ihres Rechtssystems, allen Ländern der …


ستارهﯼ توفانی

هلا ستارهﯼ توفانی هلا ستارهﯼ توفندهﯼ خیابانی هلا ستاره پران٬ ستارهﯼ سوزان ستارهﯼ سحر انقلاب ایرانی هلا ستارهﯼ حیدر٬ ستارهﯼ آذر هلا هزار ستاره٬ ستارهﯼ دیگر کنون آزادی حماسهﯼ آزادی تو را با خون و با دهانی از عشق و آفتاب و جنون میان خرمن خاکستر و تهاجم باد برای خلق توانا می خوانیم
